The importance of water for life
Water is the most important element for life. It is of vital importance for the human being, as well as for the rest of animals and living beings that accompany us on planet Earth.
It is curious that 70 percent of the Earth is water and that 70 percent of our body is also water. Perhaps that is why it is advisable to have a healthy diet and a long life to eat foods with a percentage of 70 percent in water.
Human beings need a lot of drinking water for their own existence, but just a few liters of water would be necessary, just enough to drink, hydrate and wash, water the plants ... etc. "
But on the other hand, the human being tends to abuse this rich element to the detriment of his own species and to the detriment of his own existence, as well as that of the rest of the inhabitants of the Earth. It is said that humans may need up to 500 liters of drinking water per day, which is extremely wasteful. Hence, we are giving so much importance to water for the development of life on the planet.
Water is not only important as a vital resource but also as an economic and industrial resource, since it is used in countless industrial activities, involves high consumption and is almost always contaminated.
Let's see why water is so important to life. Outside the sea, drinking water is just 1 percent of all existing water, the remaining 96 percent is salty water found in the seas, and the missing three percent is water found in the seas. ice-shaped poles.
And although it seems that it rains often and that we have free and unlimited water, it is the opposite. The land is getting hotter, desertification is growing in areas that previously had rivers and swamps, and the inability to cultivate and irrigate the land is becoming the main problem of hunger worldwide.
Saving water is of the utmost importance. It is enough to fill the washing machine more, use regulators in the taps, put a brick or a full bottle in the cistern, shower instead of bathing or shaving or brushing our teeth with the tap turned off. All these attitudes can save us thousands of liters of water per day ”.
Water. It is found everywhere on Earth, from the polar caps to steaming geysers. And where the water flows on this planet, you can be sure of finding life. "
“When we find water here on Earth - whether it's ice-covered lakes, whether it's deep-sea hydrothermal vents, whether it's arid deserts - if there's any water, we've seen microbes that have found a way to do it. a home there, "said Brian Glazer, an oceanographer at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, who has studied astrobiology.
That is why NASA's motto in the search for extraterrestrial life has been "follow the water."
But why is water such a crucial molecule for life? And could there be other ingredients that also provide the perfect recipe for life on other planets?