Women love men with beards: we tell you why !

Women love men with beards: we tell you why !

From one survey to another, we hear everything and its opposite about bearded women and men.

When an investigation reveals that these ladies have a crush on bearded men, another tells us that they no longer support men with hairy chins.

So who to believe? And in general, how could the attraction of women to men who wear beards be explained?

7 reasons that explain the attraction of women to bearded men

1. The beard is sexy!
2. Bearded people are more manly
3. The beard is a sign of maturity
4. There is no longer a beardless man!
5. Not only does the beard not itch, but it is also pleasant to touch ...
6. A well-designed beard hides the small flaws (and the big ones)
7. It leaves more time for morning hugs

7 reasons that explain the attraction of women to bearded men It is more and more common to hear women say that they cannot consider having a relationship with a man without a beard. But why do women allow themselves to be seduced so easily by bearded men?

1. The beard is sexy!

Difficult to rationally explain this state of affairs. Sex appeal is something that cannot be demonstrated, it is an impression that is felt. Still, it is difficult to find a man who is sexier than when he has grown a three-day beard (or a little longer, it depends on taste!).

It can even make all the difference on the first date. Is it the neglected side, the animal side? Basically, do women really like dressed men, clean shaven as we have been wanted to think for decades? Would razor ads not have had their part to play in this story? This would deserve a much more in-depth investigation!

2. Bearded people are more manly

No doubt, a beard is a sign of virility. In our culture, beards are the attribute of men as opposed to women who are considered more attractive without any hair, but also as opposed to young boys who are still hairless.

However, most women instinctively seek a masculine man, the opposite of herself. Subconsciously, even for a fleeting relationship, we all look for a sexual partner who meets certain criteria related to reproduction. Women will tend to look to men who show signs of virility (one of the characteristics of the alpha male).

As we are civilized people despite all this, the criteria will not necessarily be the most obvious or the most primary. For example, a woman will not necessarily want a bully who can protect her from all dangers because in our society, this type of behavior is not accepted. She will be more sensitive to more subtle external signs of virility such as hairiness and therefore beard.

3. The beard is a sign of maturity

In any case, in appearance ... A bearded man inspires confidence more quickly because calm and maturity emerge from him. They inspire a sense of emotional security that women appreciate even if they don't feel like getting into a serious relationship.

They will tend to think that a mature and responsible looking man will not hurt them. They will also imagine that he has strong shoulders and that he is ready to assume his role of father. It is well known, women do not like kids too much ... And a beardless face, completely hairless, that makes a young pre-pubescent teenager. Sorry, gentlemen ...

4. There is no longer a beardless man!

What if this was all just a question of fashion? The number of men with beards has increased dramatically in recent years. Is this a passing fad or is it fed up with certain social conventions? Why do we no longer see beardless men in the streets or on TV (hello Cyril Féraud)?

We can also wonder if this return to basics has not a link with the development of a healthier, more natural lifestyle that has been observed over the past decade. Whatever the reason, the fact is that wearing a beard is extremely trendy and women are sensitive to this kind of detail, even sometimes without realizing it.

5. Not only does the beard not itch, but it is also pleasant to touch ...

What a pleasure to stroke, fiddle with, twirl your man's beard during a moment of intimacy or a discussion full of tenderness!

Bearded men are often criticized for biting, but this is only true for the first few days. Subsequently, the beard is only pleasure and softness. Moreover, even if the three-day-old beard itches, can we really say that it is unpleasant?

Once again, the ad has been there ... A lot of women will actually say that they don't mind a bit. This possibly negative aspect is anyway compensated by the ultra sexy side of the thing. And then, remember that a few drops of beard oil applied daily will make your fleece more fluke in the long run!

6. A well-designed beard hides the small flaws (and the big ones)

A full beard can be very useful in case of complexes! If these are justified, a maintained hairiness can help a man to hide all his small and big defects. Finally, what is left to look at in a bearded face? Mainly the eyes. However, it is still rare to meet someone with ungrateful eyes ...

A prominent nose will be softened by a voluminous beard and the lower face completely hidden. It is therefore possible to transform into a handsome kid in one or two weeks depending on the objectives and the speed of growth of each.

If, on the contrary, the complexes are totally unjustified, the fact of growing a beard can restore the confidence of a shy man who needs to hide under a tuft of hair.

7. It leaves more time for morning hugs   

Last significant bonus reason: the shaving time being eliminated, this leaves time, every morning, for 10 minutes of additional hugs. However, it is common knowledge, women are always ready to receive a few minutes of additional caresses.