Dark spots on the skin and Cancer How to identify them and how to treat

 Dark spots on the skin and Cancer

How to identify them and how to treat
Dark spots on the skin and Cancer  How to identify them and how to treat

Dark spots that appear on the face, hands, arms, or other parts of the body can be caused by factors such as sun exposure, hormonal changes or acne. In some cases, depending on the characteristic of the spot, it can also be a sign of skin cancer, and it is important to keep an eye on its characteristics and its evolution.

Whenever a spot increases in size, does not have a defined shape and / or has different colors, you should go to the dermatologist so that he can examine it in more detail, indicating the most appropriate treatment, if necessary.

Main dark spots on the skin

To treat dark spots on the skin, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist, so that he or she can carry out an evaluation that allows identifying the type of spot and thus being able to start the most appropriate treatment.

However, at home it is possible to try to identify some spots by observing some characteristics such as color, shape or the region where they appear. Below are the 7 most common types of skin blemishes.

1. Stains caused by the sun:

It is the most common type of dark spot in those areas exposed to sunlight, such as the face, arms or legs and arises due to prolonged sun exposure, being common after 45 years of age. Normally, these types of spots can get darker over the years, in case you don't protect your skin with sunscreen.

How to treat: exfoliating the skin done twice a week can help to remove the lighter superficial spots, however, the use of lasers or intense pulsed light are good options to homogenize the skin tone. In addition, it is very important to use daily sunscreen so as not to darken existing spots and so that new spots do not appear.

2. Pregnancy spots:

Melasma is a type of dark spot on the skin of the face that develops after prolonged periods of sun exposure and, therefore, it can also appear after a sunburn, for example. Melasma is also very common during pregnancy due to hormonal alterations, however, in these cases it is known as chloasma gravidarum.

How to treat: sunscreen should be applied every day on the skin with a minimum protection factor of 30, avoid prolonged exposure to the sun during the hottest hours. Using vitamin C-enriched moisturizer is the best thing to do during pregnancy. If the spots do not clear up on their own after the baby is born, treatments such as laser or microdermabrasion or with acids.

3. Acne spots or chickenpox:

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is a type of dark spot that arises after skin injuries, which is why it is very common in regions of the body that suffered burns, acne, chickenpox, or were subjected to aggressive skin treatments.

How to treat: the lighter spots can be attenuated with a superficial peeling, however, the darker spots can only be lightened with depigmenting creams, such as rosehip oil. Another option is to do an acid peel, since it will remove the superficial and intermediate layer of the skin, giving rise to a new one, free of blemishes

4. Seborrheic keratosis:

Seborrheic keratosis is a type of raised and dark spot that arises on the skin due to the natural aging process and is normally benign, not representing any type of health hazard.

How to treat: these types of spots should always be evaluated by a dermatologist to rule out skin cancer, as they can be confused with this diagnosis. Generally, no treatment is necessary, but the doctor may do a little surgery to remove the stain.

5. Lemon stains:

The dark spots that can appear on the hands or arms due to contact with lemon followed by sun exposure, as in the case of preparing a cuba libre and going out in the sun, for example, can be treated with creams that lighten the skin.

The dark spots on the skin that are caused by lemon are called phytophotodermatosis, and they can take 2 or 3 days to appear. To remove them, the ideal is to wash the stained skin very well and always put sunscreen on the area of the stain so that it does not turn darker. The lemon stain is expected to clear up over time, but it may take up to 4 months to disappear.

How to treat: a cream or lotion should be applied to lighten stains, such as those containing vitamin C, for example. These can be purchased at pharmacies or beauty supply stores. 

6. Diabetes spots:

Black or mixed race people with diabetes generally develop a type of dark spot on the skin, which appears mainly around the neck and in the skin folds. These spots are produced by the use of oral antidiabetics or by some hormonal changes such as hypothyroidism or polycystic ovaries, for example.

How to treat: to lighten the skin, you can exfoliate with liquid soap and sugar once a week, but losing weight and practicing physical exercises are very important for the success of the treatment, since in this way you can cure type 2 diabetes and no longer need antidiabetic drugs that are the main risk factor for this type of spots.

7. Pieces:

Freckles are common in fair-skinned people and generally appear on the face, chest, and arms, and tend to be darker in the summer when sun exposure is greatest. To lighten freckles, you can also use lightening creams or lotions that contain hydroquinone, for example. However, since they are genetic traits, they usually do not disappear completely. Some homemade options are:

. Use a homemade cream mixing 1 can of Nivea cream, 1 tube of hypogloss, 1 ampoule of vitamin A and 1 bottle of sweet almond oil, every day, in addition to;
. Use the following homemade mask prepared with 1 egg white, 1 tablespoon of milk of magnesia and 1 cap of liquid bepanthol. Apply the mixture to the skin for 30 minutes and then wash off with water. This mixture should be applied alternately between days for 3 to 4 weeks.

In addition, it is also recommended to always apply sunscreen, with an SPF 15, daily on the face, arms and hands, to protect the skin from the harmful effects of the sun, avoiding the darkening of the freckles that already exist.

"How to recognize skin cancer"

Normally, skin cancer appears as a small dark spot that grows over time, with different colors and an irregular shape.

Normally, skin cancer appears as a small dark spot that grows over time, with different colors and an irregular shape.

 . The stain is separated from others and is isolated;
 . If the stain has more than 6 mm and irregular edges;
 . If there is more than 1 color in the same spot, like a bluish hue, for example.

How to treat: it is recommended to consult a dermatologist as quickly as possible to start the appropriate treatment and have a better chance of being cured.

When to go to the doctor:

All these cares help to lighten dark spots on the skin at home, however, they must be done under the guidance of a dermatologist. Likewise, when the spots do not fade after 1 month of treatment, it is advisable to return to the doctor again to be evaluated.

It is also important to keep an eye out for any type of spot or mole that appears on the skin, since if it increases over time, changes shape or alters any of its characteristics, it should be evaluated by a dermatologist.

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