For everything, the time must come, including the desired pregnancy. Early pregnancy occurs between the ages of 12 and 18, usually in adolescents aged 15-16. And this problem is not only medical, but also social, as society continues to condemn the early onset of sexual activity and teenage mothers.

It seems that the problem of early pregnancy should disappear in the modern world, because contraceptives are now available in every pharmacy and teenagers themselves are well aware of the close relationship between the sexes. But this phenomenon is still quite common. Doctors are convinced that the mother's age is important for the birth of a healthy baby - the female body is ready for childbirth only by the age of 20.

But pregnancy as an exception to the rule may come before, for example, the world's first pregnancy was recorded in 1939 in Peru, at five-year-old Lina Medina, who successfully became the mother of a three-pound baby. Fortunately, this phenomenon is recognized as an exception, but pregnancies between teenage girls are not uncommon.


It should be immediately noted that the cause of early pregnancy may not be the only one. Most likely, this is the simultaneous imposition of many adverse factors on each other that led to this situation and there is no reason to blame the teenage girl for them. Today, children start puberty earlier, which means that sexual desire comes with it faster. Therefore, all parents should mentally prepare their child for the beginning of intimacy, to participate in their sex education and this should be done by the time sex steadily enters the life of a teenager.

Thus, the main causes of early pregnancy are:

Lack of sex education. As mentioned above, adolescence in adolescents today begins earlier, even before the parents are ready for it psychologically. If you do not talk about sex with a 14-year-old daughter, then she will not have enough basic knowledge about sexually transmitted infections and contraception. Such a girl when she enters into a close relationship is completely unprotected from a possible pregnancy. Lack of sex education in the family circle makes teens turn to their colleagues or the Internet for information. The distortion and unreliability of the facts acquired by the same adolescents is not only useless, but also dangerous for the child with its consequences.
Sexual injustice. The desire to be different from others, to look more experienced in the circle of their peers, pushes teenagers to start their sex life early. Often, such a step is taken under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Psychologists say that children with a tendency to aggression and hyperactivity often encounter an early pregnancy.
Inability to use contraceptives. Adolescents, as a rule, are indifferent to contraceptive methods because of their lack of knowledge about contraceptives, their inability to use them and simply because they are afraid to buy them open at the pharmacy or store them at home.
Violence. Violent sexual acts are more common in dysfunctional families, where the father, brother or stepfather can play the role of a rapist. Less often, rape occurs outside the home. A frightened girl can hide from her close ones what happened a long time ago, the rape can be repeated.
Conscious perception. Emotional teens in love believe that pregnancy at 14-16 is normal, will give them independence and help them keep a loved one. Some teenage girls deliberately get pregnant to leave their parental home or get rid of the increased adult care.


Due to lack of awareness, teenage girls may not know about their pregnancy for a long time. They continue to live a normal life, do not give up unprotected sexual acts and alcohol, do not follow the daily education and their bodies are not yet ready to bear the child. For these reasons, the chance of miscarriage in adolescence increases many times over.

The signs of pregnancy in a teenage girl do not differ from those in a sexually mature woman:

monthly delay;
Signs of toxicity: nausea, vomiting, weakness, loss of appetite,
frequent urination.
chest and abdomen development.
chills and fever.
increase in core temperature.
abundant vaginal discharge.
As for the last point, the discharge from the genital system during a normal pregnancy has a light transparent shade, this indicates changes in hormone levels. Detection of bleeding or hemorrhage indicates threatening miscarriage. Evidence of potential danger is also sharp pain in the lower abdomen, which may indicate an ectopic pregnancy, which is life-threatening. With such symptoms appearing in the early period, it is important not to hesitate to consult a doctor.


You should immediately clarify that adolescence begins at 10 and ends at 18 years. Pregnancy that occurs between the ages of 12 and 16 is called early or adolescent. Carrying a child at such a young age can threaten not only the development of the unborn child, but also the health of the younger mother.

Adolescent girls often have complications in the process of pregnancy, as their body is not fully formed and this normal immaturity makes it difficult to carry and give birth to the baby on time.

The main risks of early pregnancy are:

The hormonal background in adolescence is characterized by its instability. Lack of progesterone leads to hypoxia and fetal relapse. Therefore, young expectant mothers are usually sent to the hospital several times for additional examination, while the pregnancy is performed by several specialists at the same time. At week 36, patients are admitted to the maternity hospital, as births at this age are often premature.

Childbirth in adolescents, as a rule, occurs with complications. This is due to the narrowness of the pelvis. For this reason, many doctors insist on having a baby by caesarean section. Also, experts do not rule out the high possibility of bleeding after childbirth. In addition, the World Health Organization claims that, according to statistics, the birth or death of a stillborn child in the first 6 months of life is 50% during adolescent pregnancy.

But when asking the question, what is the risk of early pregnancy, you need to think not only about the physical side of the problem, but also about the psychological state of the girl. Pregnancy news shocks a teenager. The fear of the parents and the public forces the girl to hide her position, which means that the pregnancy will last a long time without the supervision of medical staff. As a result, the expectant mother closes in on her experiences, feels guilty, falls into depression. This often leads to suicide attempts or abandonment of the newborn after childbirth.


The responsibility for early pregnancy cannot be shifted to the shoulders of a young girl alone. Parents, father-to-be, school - everyone needs to know and understand the weight a child faces when dealing with a teenage pregnancy.

According to statistics, early pregnancies are terminated in 70% of cases. This is a radical, but not entirely correct step in this situation, since after surgical removal of the uterus at such a young age, many girls can not become pregnant in the future.

It is easy to conceive a child, just unprotected sex. Practicing a child in adolescence is a more serious problem. By itself, pregnancy requires an increase in the daily diet of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, as well as additional intake of minerals and vitamins. All trace elements are consumed quickly and in large quantities, because they are necessary for the normal development of the fetus and for the future mother, as her body is still in a period of active growth and development. Many complications of pregnancy are precisely related to impaired natural metabolism.

Early pregnancy and childbirth is a serious test for the unformed soul of the teenager. The most important thing in such a difficult situation is to act and make decisions together. If it is decided to transfer the child, the expectant mother needs early diagnosis of pregnancy and subsequent observation by specialists to rule out complications until birth.


    Most parents believe that sex education of the younger generation is completely unnecessary. And this is wrong. During adolescence, it is important for children to know how to avoid unwanted pregnancies, that is, contraception. But many adults are arrogant about their children's age and think it is too early to talk to them about taboo subjects.

In families with a social lifestyle and in single-parent families, the possibility of early pregnancy increases. Also at risk are adolescents who are prone to conflict situations and incontinence. Early detection and prevention of problems in adolescence is the main goal of the relationship between adult and adolescent, trust and understanding help reduce the risk of premature pregnancy and its consequences.

Many psychologists agree that the problem of early pregnancy depends largely on the parents. Their inappropriate attitude towards the child becomes the reason why he is completely lost and unprepared for sex. If there is no honest relationship between mother and daughter from a young age, the risk of early pregnancy in such a family increases.

The adolescent should know everything about the sexual relationship between a man and a woman and about the negative consequences they can lead to. It is important for girls to know the methods of contraception and how to use them properly. You can also tell a teen about early pregnancy diagnosis before a delay.

At the same time, the sexual education of a teenager should not look like a compulsion, all children are different and not everyone is interested in it or information at a certain age. Ideally, sex education will also take the form of lectures at school and during confidential conversations with experts.

The birth of a child is always a happy event, but it is better to happen on time. Early pregnancy is a major challenge for the young girl and her parents. To minimize complications, you should contact your gynecologist immediately for help. The doctor will assess the health of the expectant mother, make an early diagnosis of pregnancy with the help of an ultrasound scan, talk about the possible consequences and if the girl decides to get pregnant, she will observe it until birth.


Your daughter, a teenager, suddenly walked away and thought, and you understand that something is filling her. And during the conversation, she suddenly burst into tears and said she was pregnant. You are covered in shock, panic and confusion ... Now what to do, because yesterday she was playing dolls with her friends and ran around the yard? How to behave now, but was it possible to avoid it?

Read our articles and discuss the telegram in the conversation!

What are the causes of early pregnancy?

Every event in our lives must happen in its own time. The same goes for the birth of a child. Early pregnancy is thought to occur before the age of 18, usually at the age of 15-16. At this age, the girl is not yet fully ready for motherhood, both morally and physically. The problem of teenage pregnancy is not only medical but also social. Society still condemns the principle of sexual activity in adolescence.

Doctors are convinced that the mother's age is very important for the favorable development of the fetus. It is believed that a woman's body is fully ready for childbirth only by the age of twenty. However, pregnancy can occur much earlier, from eleven to twelve years.

In 1939, the world's earliest pregnancy was documented. A five-year-old girl from Peru named Lena Medina became a happy mother of a three-pound baby. The birth went well.

There are several reasons that can lead to premature pregnancy. Most of the time, several adverse factors overlap. In the modern world, children grow up faster, which means they have their sexuality before. It is very important for parents to start psychologically preparing their child for adulthood in time. Even before sex comes into a teenager's life, it is necessary to take care of his sex education. And in order for your child to come to you with a problem or a question, we need to build a relationship of trust with him. To understand the issue of teenage pregnancy, start by studying the main causes of this phenomenon:

Inadequate sex education - the parents themselves are not always ready to talk to the heart with a teenager. Often this is also the lack of sexual education of the parents themselves. Teenagers now have access to any information - via the internet or peers. But information that distorts social networks and communities can be dangerous and often just useless. Only a local adult will be able to predict and prevent a potential problem. The warning is pre-stressed, so feel free to talk to your child.
Laxity - teens try to stand out from their peers, it's no secret to anyone. They often do not choose completely favorable ways - they start smoking, drinking or having sex early. Psychologists note that adolescents who are characterized by aggressive behavior and hyperactivity begin sex life much earlier than others.

Sexual illiteracy - we were all teenagers, so we remember how difficult and scary it was to buy condoms, and even still - to keep them at home. New lovers are not serious about contraception and often do not know what and what is needed. Here it is important for parents to say in time, and maybe also buy contraceptives. And there is no such thing in it - with such an action you will not push the child to the beginning of sexual activity, but I will warn you of an early, unplanned pregnancy and possibly sexually transmitted infections and AIDS.
Violence - Girls from dysfunctional families are more likely to experience violence. The brother, the father and even the native father can become a tyrant. Less often, a girl is sexually abused outside the home. Teenagers are distinguished by their isolation in communicating with adults, so after a violent intercourse, the girl rarely tells anyone about what happened, pulls on the latter, if she realizes she is pregnant.
Conscious Perception - Impulsive, emotional teens believe that if their emotions are mutual and strong, then they can have a child even at the age of 16 years. It happens that a girl deliberately gets pregnant to keep her partner by her side or to escape from the care of her parents and get freedom of action.
Symptoms of early pregnancy

The girl's body - the threshold has not yet been formed to the proper extent, therefore, it is not yet ready to endure and give birth. Failure to follow the daily treatment, lack of special diet, possible alcohol and other bad habits often lead to miscarriages in a teenager. And because of the low awareness, girls for a long time may not notice their interesting position (especially due to the irregular menstrual cycle).

The symptoms of teenage pregnancy are the same as in a mature woman:

The core temperature is high,
Not monthly
Cold or hot discharges,
Frequent urination,
The mammary glands and stomach are enlarged,
Plenty of vaginal discharge.
Vaginal discharge with a favorable course of pregnancy has a light shade or will be completely transparent. But labeling, bloody rejection can be a sign of threatened miscarriage.

Acute lower abdominal pain can be a dangerous sign during pregnancy - it can be a symptom of an ectopic pregnancy, which is life-threatening for the girl. For such pains, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Risks during early pregnancy

Adolescence is considered to be between ten and eighteen years old. In such a tender time, transportation can threaten the health of not only the baby but also the expectant mother. Due to the fact that a young woman's body is not fully formed, complications can occur during pregnancy. Let's look at the main dangers with which the fragile body is exposed during pregnancy:

Enhanced toxicity,
Risk of miscarriage
Placental abruptions,
Abnormalities in fetal development,
Prenatal birth
Pathological work
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
Prolonged bleeding after childbirth is also not ruled out. Because of these characteristics, the young mother is often sent to the hospital for additional examinations and the pregnancy is usually led by various specialists. The expectant mother is sent to the hospital in advance, as the teenage birth can start ahead of time. The birth itself is often complicated, so the doctor may insist on a caesarean section.

World Health Organization experts lead the miserable statistics: the birth of a stillborn child or his death in the first six months of life is 50% during adolescent pregnancy.

The risks of early pregnancy include not only physiological problems but also psychological problems. In adolescents, the soul, like the body, is not yet fully formed. Pregnancy news puts a girl in a state of shock. She can hide her position from her parents for a long time without contacting experts. In addition, fetal development takes place without medical supervision, the expectant mother often falls into a severe depression, which sometimes leads to the abandonment of the baby after birth or suicide during pregnancy.

If the pregnancy has already come?

A teenager facing early pregnancy carries a huge emotional and physical weight. In this case, you can not leave the girl alone with her responsibility. Parents, the school and the whole inner circle must be supported.


The beginning of pregnancy and the expectation of a small baby is a very important and happy event in the life of many families, especially women. Unfortunately, not all people manage to conceive a child from the first, and some people make unacceptable efforts for a long time. All this leads to a tedious wait ... and now the woman waits painfully when two live streaks appear on the dough. Fortunately, there are tips for diagnosing early pregnancy for expectant mothers, who can learn about such important news much earlier.

Causes of early pregnancy

Identify early signs

How can you determine the onset of pregnancy during the early periods? This can be fixed about a week after the expected conception. An important factor is ovulation - if you are sure it is, then analyze other points. About seven days after the fusion of the egg and sperm, significant hormonal changes occur in the female body. Excessive irritability, tears, anxiety appear. This is perceived both for the woman and for her environment. At the same time, very sensitive people, who dream of a child, often think of these symptoms for themselves, in vain give their place in the hope of pregnancy. Let us stop at more objective signs.

Signs indicating pregnancy in the first days

An expectant mother, who closely monitors the condition of her body and listens to it, can detect the signs of pregnancy at a very early stage. Women who dream of having a baby, especially for a long time, guess the pregnancy even before the onset of a delay. What are the symptoms of this important event?

It takes several days after conception, seven to have someone with a little more, during which a fertilized egg is inserted into the wall of the uterus. During this period, minor bleeding (hemorrhage) may occur. Implant bleeding (rare, pink) shows the first symptoms of pregnancy that occur in almost everyone. Women who do not pay much attention to this, will learn about their interesting position much later.

Convulsions and abdominal pain are also signs of pregnancy and can occur long before the delay. Such sensations arise due to the increased tone of the uterus, which prepares for nine months to become a reliable and comfortable space for the unborn baby.

The basal temperature reliably indicates the onset of pregnancy - an increase in it is a sign of pregnancy. This method of determining pregnancy is often used at the design stage. The basal temperature is measured in the morning without getting out of bed and without making additional movements by inserting a thermometer in the rectum. With ovulation, the temperature rises to 37 degrees and higher, and then drops. When pregnancy occurs, it remains unchanged, that is, it increases. With various threats and pathologies, it is also reinforced, although it is rather an exception.

Almost all women notice changes in their breasts, which become visible even before the delay. Cycles darken, from which the liquid drops stand out.

In the first days of pregnancy, many experienced fatigue, drowsiness, feeling tired.

Too often, even before the delay, expectant mothers are particularly sensitive to odors and have strange taste preferences. Another important and well-known symptom that deserves special attention is nausea in the morning.

With all of the above symptoms, there are some points that are difficult to explain scientifically. For example, this is about intuition. Women with developed intuition feel their place from the first days and in addition do not want to learn everything by trial.

Some women may have only one or two of the first symptoms of pregnancy, while others show the whole complex. In most cases, all these feelings will remain with the expectant mother until the end of the pregnancy period. Sooner or later, all doubts will be left behind.    

Frequent signs of pregnancy

In medicine, all the signs of pregnancy are divided into hypothetical, probable and reliable.

Presumptive symptoms include all the symptoms described above - this is vulnerability, irritation, drowsiness, fatigue, nausea, taste buds, intolerance to certain types of odor, fever, etc. All of these early signs are very similar to the symptoms of acute respiratory infections.

With more specific criteria, it is much easier to determine if a pregnancy has started.

The first signals for which a test should be performed as soon as possible should be attributed to the monthly delay. But we must not forget the fact that even those women who have a normal menstrual cycle sometimes have failures. Delay can occur for many reasons: stress, insomnia, poor sleep, illness, including inflammation, exercise and diet, lactation. Apart from this, there are also reverse situations, when during pregnancy there is discharge, which are wrong for the onset of menstruation. This is more often the case with pathology and the threat of miscarriage.

The most likely signs of pregnancy, in addition to all of the above, should also include sensitivity to the armor and breast, frequent urge to urinate, especially at night.

Many of the possible causes that provoke the discussion about pregnancy can be determined only in consultation with a gynecologist. Especially when the uterus grows in volume, its shape and consistency change. In addition, a blood test for the presence of the hormone hCG, which increases, also shows the onset of pregnancy.    

Reliable signs of pregnancy can already more accurately confirm the possibility of becoming a mother soon. These include examining through the abdomen certain parts of the baby's body, sensing its movements, listening to the heartbeat, but in most cases, all these symptoms appear later.

Presumptive signs of pregnancy

All the possible reasons for determining pregnancy are non-specific, which are also found in non-pregnant women, but in other conditions.

Dizziness and fainting usually occur in the morning - signs of phytovascular dystonia appear in stressful situations that are common in the modern rhythm of life, physical and nervous exhaustion, low blood sugar and anemia.

Nausea and vomiting may indicate the presence of toxicity in a pregnant woman. We must remember that often the same symptoms occur in cases of gastrointestinal diseases (duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcer, gastritis, inflammation of the pancreas and gallbladder, food poisoning).

The desire to consume foods that you have previously consumed in very small amounts or not at all (sweet, salty, bitter, sour) may also indicate the presence of gastrointestinal diseases, significant deficiency of minerals and vitamins in the body or anemia.

The increased desire to urinate is due to the fact that the uterus grows creating pressure on the bladder. However, the exact same symptom can be caused by a urinary tract infection: pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys) or cystitis (inflammation of the bladder).

Signs of possible pregnancy

Delayed menstruation indicates the onset of pregnancy, but can sometimes also be seen with hormonal disorders. In relation to the hormonal disorder and the restructuring of the whole body, the mammary glands begin to grow, become denser, there is pain, while the papillary area darkens, the nipple itself grows. At the same time, all these signs are observed in case of mastopathy. One of the first and most reliable signs of early pregnancy is delayed menstruation. In this case, the delay of menstruation, except for the beginning of pregnancy, can be observed in case of hormonal disorders.

There is also an enlargement of the uterus with further softening of the isthmus (Heghar's symptom), but only a gynecologist can diagnose it during the examination.

Cyanosis of the walls of the vagina and cervix (a symptom of Chadwick), which is also diagnosed by a gynecologist, can also occur.

Signs of pregnancy are reliable

All pregnancy tests are designed to detect hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). This hormone is determined by 1-2 weeks of pregnancy in the urine. With a blood test, you can also find out the presence of hCG. For blood, the result is more reliable, especially in the early stages.

From 3 weeks of pregnancy it is already possible to perform ultrasound. Thus, in the uterus it is possible to detect the egg and from 7-8 weeks the fetal heart activity will become visible.

From about the 16th to the 18th week, the fetal heartbeat is heard, which is determined using an obstetric stethoscope (this instrument is a hollow tube, one end of which is applied to the doctor's ear and the other to the pregnant woman's abdomen).

The woman who is waiting for the baby to appear feels fetal movement from 16-20 weeks. These feelings are different, such as just perceived shock, and "violent activity".

Sometimes there are situations in which the signs of pregnancy are obvious, but there is no pregnancy. This condition is called imaginary pregnancy. This condition affects women who have dreamed long and unsuccessfully of the feeling of fullness of maternal happiness. For those who, on the other hand, are afraid of such a situation, a fictitious pregnancy is much less common. If a woman who is really expecting a child, the main series of symptoms is due to the strongest hormonal deterioration of the whole organism, then the signs of a fictional pregnancy occur for completely different reasons. Creating an absolute illusion of pregnancy with appropriate psychological behaviors under stress, infections, hormonal imbalances, gastrointestinal disorders, hypovitaminosis and beriberi, malnutrition, depression can also be wrong.

Fortunately, the situation in which a woman learns about a fictitious pregnancy shortly before giving birth is now almost impossible. In the modern world there are many ways to diagnose early pregnancy, which include ultrasound diagnostics and home pregnancy tests, and hCG analysis.

In any case, if you find more or less reliable signs of pregnancy (especially if we are talking about several at once), you should see a doctor immediately. Early examination and observation by experts can significantly reduce the risk of various complications. In a situation in which there are known signs of pregnancy, but it is not confirmed, the doctor can identify the cause of the violations and prescribe the necessary treatment for the woman.

Definition of pregnancy with delayed menstruation

Negative test for delayed menstruation

If pregnancy has occurred, then a morning urine pregnancy test can give the most reliable results only after the first day of delay. In previous periods, the results of false negative tests are more likely than false positive results.

When there is a slight delay in menstruation, pregnancy tests can show false negative results. This is because the hormone hCG in early pregnancy is not yet very high. In 5-10% of cases, as a rule, the implant has not yet been implanted with a delay of only 1-2 days, which causes a negative result. In addition, the cause of a false negative test result in the event of a month delay may be:

The pregnancy test had expired or was stored incorrectly,
Too wet, drunk on the eve of pregnancy test,
To check the confirmation of pregnancy took full or not morning urine,
There is kidney disease.
If you suspect a pregnancy in the presence of the alleged symptoms, but it is not confirmed by the test, it is recommended that you have a blood test for the hormone hCG.

Blood test for pregnancy hormone hCG

Blood tests for the hormone hCG can reliably confirm a positive result. It is more informative than a simple test to determine pregnancy, as this hormone will increase during blood donation. Its amount in the blood is much earlier than in the urine.

HCG or human chorionic gonadotropin.

Elevated hormone hCG and there is a previous manifestation of pregnancy. In humans it is often called the pregnancy hormone. At the moment of conception, the egg begins to divide and in the process of this division the embryos and embryonic membranes develop. One of these shells is called the chorion. It is the chorion that produces hCG, which we see in the analyzes. There are, however, exceptional cases where this hormone is found in the body of a non-pregnant woman or a man. This happens in a number of diseases. Sometimes hCG can occur after an abortion. As a rule, during pregnancy, the level of hCG increases.

With a negative blood test for hCG, it is necessary to identify the cause of the menstrual abnormalities. With questionable analysis, it makes sense to repeat it after 48 hours. If the rates are double, then this indicates a developing uterine pregnancy.

Blood for analysis of the hormone HCG taken from a vein,
Blood tests should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach,
During the rest of the day, blood should be given at least 4-5 hours after the meal,
You should tell your doctor about current medications.
The test should be performed in 2-5 days of delayed menstruation.
Pregnancy should be monitored with hCG markers. Low rates will indicate pathology (fetal pathology, ectopic pregnancy, placental insufficiency, etc.). High hCG levels may also indicate fetal pathology and multiple pregnancies. In any case, the conclusion will be made only by a doctor.

Determination of pregnancy on ultrasound with vaginal sensor

In this case, if the results of the ultrasound are in accordance with the second phase of the menstrual cycle, the onset of pregnancy is very likely, a blood donation for hCG is recommended. If there is no picture of the second phase of the menstrual cycle on the ultrasound, pregnancy is almost impossible, so you should consider other possible causes of delayed menstruation. In most cases, this condition can be caused by ovarian dysfunction.

Pregnancy test positive

If the result of the hCG test and a home pregnancy test are positive, it is still desirable to perform an ultrasound using a vaginal sensor. Through this process, you can find the location of the pregnancy (ectopic or uterine), as well as the level of viability. In those cases where the test gives positive results, the definition of pregnancy by vaginal scan ultrasound can give the most reliable information. Frequent ultrasound (regardless of gestational age) will not cause harm. Weakening or ectopic pregnancy, in turn, pose a more serious threat to a woman's health.


Early pregnancy is a medical, psychological and acute social problem of modern society. The gestational age varies from 10 to 18 years. The most common age for teenage pregnancy is 15-17 years. Why is this happening; What is dangerous for a young girl early in pregnancy and sex life in general, how to prevent the onset of pregnancy at a young age and what to do if pregnancy has already come? We will try to answer all these questions in the materials of this article.


Modern school-age lessons now bear little resemblance to the teenagers who lived, 10-20 years ago. A fifteen-year-old girl can now be easily confused with a twenty-five-year-old. They are brightly painted, provocative and openly dressed, behaving vulgarly and uncontrollably.

Often these girls can show up in the company of young people who are much older than themselves. Such relationships rarely end with a romantic religion and strong emotions, most often limited to sex.

Every year the number of teenage mothers increases. According to statistics, this problem is more common in the most developed countries. Recent data show that, unfortunately, Russia ranks first in the number of teenage pregnancies, and the United States in second.


The problem of teenage pregnancy arises, as a rule, for several reasons at the same time and it is rarely possible to define a specific one. The following is a list of the main causes of early teenage pregnancy.

Sexual education of a child or rather his absence. In today's adolescents, adolescence begins at the age of 12 and their sexual desire appears even earlier. It is very important to prepare the child mentally for the upcoming changes in his intimate life and to continue to do sex education until he is fully established. Often parents do not have time to talk to their child about this, which can lead to unpleasant consequences such as infections or sexually transmitted diseases. Teenagers do not have enough information about sex.
According to statistics, at the reception of the obstetrician-gynecologist, young mothers answer that they do not suspect that the first sex could lead to consequences such as pregnancy.

Talk to your daughter about how to avoid the dark alleys, the streets later, try not to be alone on the street at night, take care of your intruder (for example, buy a gas tank for her).


Many young girls find it futile that if an organism is young, then it is able to bear a child. In fact, a teenage girl faces serious challenges. For another fragile young body, pregnancy is an incredible workload that can lead to many complications:

the possibility of elimination.
severe anemia.
first trimester intoxication.
problems related to fetal development.
placental dysfunction or rupture.
premature birth?
childbirth with consequent pathologies;
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (50% probability) or stillbirth;
postpartum hemorrhage
lack of observation of pregnancy due to fear of parents.
depression and suicide attempts of a teenage mother based on: public condemnation, destruction of plans for the future; constant material difficulties.
uterine underdevelopment often leads to spontaneous miscarriages.
Also, if the pregnancy is due to rape, then it leaves a psychological imprint that in the future will negatively affect the entire sexual and family life of the girl.


Due to the immaturity of the future mother's body, when she becomes pregnant, she must receive special care and observation in the antenatal clinic.

The following is a list of what a teenage girl expects when she becomes pregnant.

A teenage mother should regularly take a variety of medications and follow a diet chosen by a specialist for her.
The pregnant woman is sent to the maternity hospital in the 36th week, as the chance of a premature birth is high.
A young mother is often led by several experts at the same time, because due to the lack of progesterone (and at a young age it does not fully develop from the body and is not sufficient for pregnancy), fetal hypoxia, abortion, mortality from baby etc.
In case of a negative mood of a teenager, it is recommended to take him to a psychologist and observe his whole pregnancy and shortly after the birth. Psychological traumas develop as a result of understanding that peers continue to live a full life, receive education, build relationships, and so on. In addition, these injuries can last forever.
Young mothers, as a rule, are not able to breastfeed due to physiological and psychological immaturity of the body.


But if the pregnancy came, then it does not make sense to continue to hide this act from relatives. The problem itself will not be solved and the teenager will hardly be able to solve it properly and as far as possible in this situation. It is best to report the incident to the mother and resolve the issue together.

You should first contact a gynecologist, who will examine the condition of the fetus and mother and draw conclusions about the possibility of abortion or childbirth. The consequences for a young mother's body are in both cases. Postpartum complications are given above.

The possible consequences of abortion are as follows:

high probability of uterine puncture due to immaturity of the organ.
the risk of incomplete disposal of the egg;
persistent menstrual disorders, which further involve a range of gynecological and hormonal diseases.
risk of damage to the fallopian tubes and consequent infertility.
the appearance of inflammatory processes in the internal genitals.
endocrine disorders (hormonal disorders, weakening of the immune system);
the appearance of psychological trauma.
problems with subsequent pregnancies.
The expectant mother should make the decision to terminate her pregnancy or pregnancy only by weighing all the pros and cons. After deciding to hand over the pregnancy, the girl must be psychologically prepared for the possible consequences of early pregnancy. These include:

major lifestyle changes. These and the open eyes of others and the condemnation of classmates and the inability to communicate frequently with peers and completely different concerns.
psychological lack of preparation, accompanied by depression or psychosis.
with the father of the child. Not all young people show decency after learning about a girl's pregnancy.
financial difficulties. A young mother can not always count on the help of the child's father and the amount of benefits from the state leaves much to be desired.
irresponsible attitude towards the duties of the mother. Due to the unpreparedness of the girl during this period, she can throw all the negative out of conviction dissatisfaction with her life to the child. And sometimes we stop caring for the baby.
To prevent any of the above from happening, the expectant mother needs constant support from parents, a psychologist and close people.


Early pregnancy is a threat to the health of the baby and the mother. In adolescence, the girl's menstrual cycle as soon as it begins to regulate, the reproductive and bone (the pelvis is still very narrow) systems are formed. Such drastic changes and changes in the body have only a negative effect on the youthful body. Bone structure is weakened due to lack of calcium. Lack of progesterone leads to hypoxia and malnutrition of the fetus.

Often an early pregnancy falls into the period of the mother's transition, when without the professional help of a psychologist, a girl can get a serious psychological trauma or perform impulsive acts of rash. Girls at this age often have complications during pregnancy and delivery is by caesarean section.


The child's sexual education depends only on the parents, their ability to find a common language with the adolescent, the ability to listen and listen. Do not be ashamed to talk to your child about intimate life. It is necessary to go far and gradually expand the child's horizons in this matter with movies, books or presentations. Do not hesitate to talk to a teenager about contraception and the consequences of sexual intercourse.

It is best to always try to maintain a friendly relationship with the child in order to monitor the changes in his personal life and, if necessary, to help with wise advice or moral support. All jokes and ridicule will be inappropriate.

Pregnancy in a teenager is not a terrible proposition. The chances of a favorable outcome of early pregnancy are quite high. The main thing to remember is that during this period a teenager needs the support of relatives and close people more than ever, and then a healthy and loving baby will be born.

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