How To Fight Depression Without Drugs
The disorder known as depression can range from self-constricting melancholy to actual disabling illness. Medicines are often prescribed to combat depression, which, in the case of symptoms of a certain severity, may be the only option to improve the quality of life. However, if you prefer not to resort to medicines, there are several strategies that are as simple as they are effective to implement, especially in case of temporary melancholy or depression linked to particular circumstances. The following steps can also be useful when combined with treatments for more severe depressions.
method 1: Changing Mind Patterns
Address manageable problems. Not all problems have an immediate solution; Depression can be exacerbated by issues that are beyond your control, such as health problems, financial issues, and the death of a loved one. To overcome life's toughest tests, you need to train yourself to handle things you know you can change. What are the minor obstacles in your life that make your days bad? Start by overcoming those and gradually you will gain the strength to move on to bigger problems.
. Set goals aimed at the solution. Think of concrete ways you can improve your situation. Is your house in full chaos? Here's something you can tackle. Establish an articulated cleaning plan, room by room, and allow yourself to feel satisfied as you finish a job.
. Keep track of your progress in a diary. Sometimes the simple act of writing a purpose provides the motivation to move forward and change.
Express yourself. Depression tends to cause people to isolate themselves from life, avoiding communicating with others, but holding onto emotions only makes things worse. Your feelings are important because they are part of you, so find a way to express them.
. Don't spend too much time alone. Have a daily conversation with friends, family members, or classmates. There is no need to talk about depression - just be yourself and speak spontaneously.
. Writing, dancing, visual arts, music and art forms in general can be truly therapeutic in helping you express yourself.
. Don't be afraid to show sadness, fear, anger, anxiety, and other emotions that accompany depression. These feelings are as much a part of life as happiness and satisfaction. Mixing your emotions with shame will only make you feel worse.
Feed your spiritual side. Many depressed people are able to find peace in spirituality.
.Try to meditate . Meditation is based on the development of mental patterns that lead to self-awareness and peace. Find a meditation group near your home or practice on your own.
.If you are religious, try to attend your place of worship more often, get involved in meeting groups outside of services. Spending time with like-minded people will make you feel an integral part of a community.
Be indulgent towards yourself. Depression can lead to extremely negative feelings about one's abilities and personality. Focus on what you like about yourself and the positive things you have to offer to the world instead of dwelling on what goes wrong.
. Don't blame yourself for being depressed. Sooner or later, in the course of life, depression affects almost everyone. You are neither weak nor cowardly: you suffer from a disorder that can be debilitating but you are taking steps to overcome it. This is courage.
method 2: Change the Action Patterns
Spend more time outdoors. Breathing fresh air, reconnecting with nature, and basking in the sun to rebalance your vitamin D levels can go a long way in helping you lift your mood. Spend time outside every day. When possible, leave town, take walks in the woods, drive to the nearest lake or pond.
. If it's too cold to stay outside for long, open the curtains and let natural light into the house.
. During the dark winter months, photochromic therapy can act as a substitute for sunlight. Products for this method are available online and in many pharmacies.
Keep busy. Sticking to a daily routine is important to escape melancholy. If you don't have a job or classes to attend, go to a nearby coffee shop with a book or laptop. Don't skip a day just because you're feeling a little sad.
. Make a list of tasks to do each week and cross them off as you finish them.
. Take responsibility. Avoiding chores when you are depressed can lead to feelings of inadequacy and ineptitude. Offer to take an elderly relative to grocery shopping each week and do everything to keep your word.
Exercise every day. Keeping the body moving relaxes the mind - exercise has been proven to decrease anxiety and depression. Find a type of workout you enjoy, such as walking, yoga, swimming, or cycling, and do it every day.
. Don't think that you are doing sports to lose weight. Focus on the positive sensations your body gives you when you keep it active, feel your heart beating and your breathing quicken.
. Exercise with someone for even more fun. Make weekly appointments to work out with a friend or relative.
method 3: Practice Self Care
Eat foods with antidepressant properties. In addition to following a balanced diet, the consumption of natural antidepressants increases. Salmon, sardines, and walnuts are all very high in Omega 3, but don't forget other beneficial fats like those in avocado and coconut oil.
Try supplements. There are plenty of supplements on the market that act as natural antidepressants. Before taking them, however, talk to your doctor, as some may interact with any prescribed medications.
. Hypericum (St. John's Wort) is a popular supplement for treating depression and anxiety.
. 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is a derivative of an African plant with mood stabilizing effects.
. S-Adenosyl Methionine (SAM or SAM-e) replaces compounds naturally produced by mammals to stabilize mood.
. Green tea contains L-Theanine, a natural antidepressant. It can be taken in capsule form or drunk as a tea.
Cut off alcohol and drugs. Alcohol and drugs might temporarily relieve symptoms of depression, but they almost always make the situation worse in the long run. To have total control of your emotions it is best to give up these substances altogether.
. Alcohol is actually a depressant and can sometimes cause negative feelings that get worse even when consumed for pure pleasure.
. If you are battling alcohol or drug addiction, it is important that you get the right support right away. You will not be able to overcome depression without outside help. Contact an AA or NA group near your home for information.
Go to therapy. When you no longer feel able to fight depression on your own, know that it's time to ask for outside support. Therapists specialize in helping people create new mental and behavioral patterns to relieve depression and prevent it from recurring. Your therapist will develop a program tailored to your needs.
. There is solid evidence that speech therapy, especially cognitive therapy which focuses on changing negative mental patterns, is an effective treatment for depression, both alone and in combination with the use of drugs.
. A pastoral council and 12-step groups can provide support by helping you with the circumstances that accompany, cause, or are caused by depression.