Unreasonable pregnant women diet harms health

 Unreasonable pregnant women diet harms health

Unreasonable pregnant women diet harms health
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Find out about the correct diet for pregnant women with expert help.

. Unreasonable diet, causing osteoporosis and spinal aging.

 A typical diet method is to skip meals. This is because the weight loss effect appears fastest and you do not have to exercise hard.

It is also the easiest diet method for mothers who have difficulty moving after childbirth because of parenting. However, excessive starvation after childbirth when the body is not fully recovered can cause osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis is a disease that causes fractures easily even with small impacts as the amount of bone decreases, creating holes in the bones.

This disease was caused by aging in the past, but recently it is rapidly increasing in young people due to excessive diet. Due to diet, nutrients such as calcium are not properly supplied to the bones, resulting in decreased bone density and osteoporosis.

In particular, one-food diets, such as the "Emperor's Diet," which consume only protein, further exacerbate osteoporosis by interfering with the absorption of calcium by a high protein diet and releasing large amounts of calcium through urine.

Diets that reduce the amount of food eaten not only cause osteoporosis, but also cause back pain. The weight loss caused by the decrease in the amount of food is not given by fat, but mostly comes from the loss of water or muscle.

In addition, most of the women on a diet rarely do exercise to strengthen their muscles.

In this state, if you become underweight by diet, the amount of muscles that support the spine decreases, and the strength of the surrounding ligaments and muscles that support the disks of the lower back and neck also weakens. Because of this, the lower back cannot be properly supported, and the disc is subjected to excessive force, causing low back pain.

In particular, excessive diet after childbirth accelerates spinal aging. During pregnancy, under the influence of hormones, the tissues around the waist become loose and the tendons that support the waist become sagging.

In addition, as the bone joints and muscles around the lower back relax during childbirth, the contraction force drops sharply and the muscles supporting the spine become weak. In this state, after childbirth, if you forcefully lose weight without sufficient nutrition intake and exercise to increase muscle strength, the spine is easily aged.

. postpartum diet Like this. 
If you decide to diet after childbirth, you should gradually reduce your meals.

Most mothers have a habit of eating often and a lot during pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to reduce the amount of meals little by little and eat regularly.

In order to keep the bones weakened by hormonal changes during pregnancy, you should consume enough calcium and vitamin D and reduce calories with carbohydrates and fats.

Calcium is nutritionally recommended to consume 800 mg a day, but experts advise that it is better to consume 1,000 mg a day to prevent osteoporosis.

Foods rich in calcium include anchovies, seaweed, and beans. Vitamin D is a nutrient involved in the absorption of calcium from the gastrointestinal tract and is essential for bone health.

Since it is synthesized by receiving sunlight from the skin, it is also a way to get enough sunlight. If you can't get enough sun due to little outdoor activities, you should supplement with food.

Foods rich in vitamin D include blue fish such as mackerel, mushrooms, mussels, and dairy products. When eating, you should avoid eating salty as much as possible. This is because if you eat too salty, the calcium ingested through the kidneys is lost. Drinks and coffees high in caffeine also interfere with calcium absorption, so it is best to abstain as much as possible.

Along with this, it is a good way to start exercising with a simple stretch that balances the bones and muscles of the pelvis and joints.

However, aggressive exercise is prohibited.

During pregnancy, under the influence of hormones, the tissues around the waist become loose and the tendons that support the waist become sagging. In addition, as the bone joints and muscles around the lower back relax during childbirth, the contraction force drops sharply and the muscles that support the spine are weakened.

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